Contributing Practically to a Sustainable Future

Social Responsibility is a fundamental element of the identity of Club Hotel Casino Loutraki. Over time, the company aims to combine economic growth with social contribution by implementing a series of actions with added value and positive outcomes for society.

At the same time, recognizing the potential risks associated with customer engagement in gambling, the company places particular emphasis on Responsible Gaming and the protection of players and the broader community.

A matter of great importance for Club Hotel Casino Loutraki is the direct support of the local community, due to the deeper connection between the company’s development and the progress of the region in which it operates and the advancement of its people.

Social progress and consequently individual well-being are prerequisites for a thriving country with healthy entrepreneurship and economic growth. CHCL spans a network of 1,139 employees directly and approximately 300 collaborating businesses across all sectors. Our goal is for our social footprint to be worthy of the people who have trusted us all these years and commensurate with our financial resources in offerings to our fellow citizens.



Club Hotel Casino Loutraki recognizes the importance of environmental consciousness in business, respecting the harmonization of the structure with the natural environment. Naturally, every business activity must protect the environment, ensuring that its impact is not detrimental. Therefore, the group takes initiatives to practically demonstrate this belief.

Fire Protection

Club Hotel Casino Loutraki supports local government and volunteer groups in Corinthia on fire protection issues. Notably, the company recently donated a petrol-engine fire-fighting pump to the Loutraki-Perachora Forest Fire Protection Volunteers Association, supporting their work in combating forest and other fires.

Recycling and Waste Reduction

The company collects and recycles non-hazardous solid waste and packaging, in collaboration with certified agencies, contributing to preventing environmental pollution and saving valuable natural and other resources through material reuse.

Indicatively, for 2023, the following were delivered for management and recycling:

  • 3.9 tons of glass packaging to the “Hellenic Recovery Recycling Corporation S.A.”
  • 214 kg of small appliances and 368 kg of light bulbs to “Recycling S.A.”
  • 51 kg of portable electronics to “POLYECO S.A.”
  • 2,940 liters of used cooking oils to “Anthopoulos Stefanos”

Reducing Carbon Footprint

Club Hotel Casino Loutraki focuses on reducing its carbon footprint by controlling the emissions of its activities and implementing strategic actions in this direction. The company’s goal is to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2025.

Additionally, since 2011, Club Hotel Casino Loutraki holds the international eco-label Green Key, highlighting its commitment to a sustainable future in hospitality and tourism sectors. This voluntary eco-behavior program rewards the combination of growth with sustainability and ensures the company’s environmentally friendly operations. The Green Key label certifies compliance with environmental principles and the full adoption of conditions constituting an ecological profile.

Use of Environmentally Friendly Materials in Renovations and Construction

The company strives for excellent functionality and high aesthetics in its construction projects, respecting the authentic elements of local culture. Therefore, it utilizes sustainable cool exterior materials (such as paints, coatings, and plasterboards) to achieve better energy efficiency in buildings.

Protection and Promotion of Local Biodiversity

The external areas of Club Hotel Casino Loutraki’s facilities host a rare variety of plants and flowers, including tall palm trees and rare species of local flora. Additionally, the company conducts 30,000 plantings each season, with the point of reference of the complex being the ancient olive trees, over 2,000 years old, which are protected with particular care. Furthermore, the company has committed to reducing chemical pesticide use by 50%, fertilizer use by 20%, and nutrient loss by 50% by 2030.

Society & Market

Club Hotel Casino Loutraki implements multifaceted actions of social solidarity and alleviation of social exclusion phenomena. With a focus on fellow humans and contribution, the group is particularly sensitized and aims to be actively present both in the local community and the wider country.

Support for “The Smile of the Child” Organization

The company has been collaborating with “The Smile of the Child” organization since 2007. Especially in the last three years (2021-2024), it has:

  • Provided space for exhibitions to promote and sell products to the company’s staff.
  • Offered financial support through the purchase of greeting cards and the provision of supermarket vouchers to meet the needs of the organization’s house in Corinth.
  • Donated hotel equipment to meet needs in Corinth and Athens.

Support for Fire Victims

The company has donated hotel equipment to fire victims in the Municipality of Mantoudi in Evia, in collaboration with the Municipality of Loutraki – Perachora – Ag. Theodori.

Support for Security Forces

Club Hotel Casino Loutraki supports the authorities and security forces by donating equipment. Specifically, in April 2024, it sponsored the Corinth Port Authority with €6,016.13 plus 24% VAT for the repair and regular maintenance of the service’s patrol boat. The importance of the donation lies in the extensive area protected and supervised by the Port Authority, covering the marine and terrestrial area from the boundaries of the regional units of Achaia – Corinthia to the Cape Nisida in the Epidaurus Bay on the Peloponnesian Coastline and from Cape Pounta in the Corinthian Gulf to Kakia Skala in Attica, including the islets of Alkionides, Evraios, and adjacent rocky islets. Additionally, the company offers rooms for accommodation and meals at the restaurants as gifts for raffles at dances and other events of the Security Forces. Some of the supported organizations include:

  • Corinth Police Headquarters
  • Corinth Traffic Police
  • National Highway Traffic Police of Perama
  • Corinth Port Authority
  • Special Youth Detention Center of Corinth
  • Corinth Fire Service
  • Perachora Fire Service Unit

Employee Benefits

Club Hotel Casino Loutraki implements a multifaceted network of actions to support its employees, emphasizing their health, safety and well-being.

  • Since 2007, the company has provided private insurance for 1,050 employees and 626 dependent family members.
  • Since 2008, the company has held an annual preventive health seminar to inform staff and offer free examinations by specialists from major hospitals.

Voluntary Blood Donation by Employees

Since 2005, Club Hotel Casino Loutraki maintains its own Blood Bank for its staff and their families, with 30% of donations directed to the General Hospital of Corinth. The company’s initiative and its volunteer donors have been awarded the Silver Medal of the Ministry of Health and Social Solidarity and the Gold Medal of the 130th anniversary of the Hellenic Red Cross for their overall contribution to the institution of Voluntary Blood Donation.

Lifeguard Service

The company ensures the safety of swimmers at its facilities. At the same time, the lifeguard service operates for all swimmers within a 200-meter radius from the lifeguard tower. Club Hotel Casino Loutraki covers the cost of equipping and maintaining the tower, providing a floating stretcher, and paying the lifeguards’ salaries.

Support for Local Authorities, Organizations, and Associations

The company contributes to the work of local authorities, organizations, and associations through equipment donations, providing accommodation in rooms, conference or other spaces for organizing events, and sponsorships/donations in cash or kind.

Some of the supported organizations include:

  • Municipality of Loutraki – Perachora – Ag. Theodori
  • The Smile of the Child
  • F.A.S.M.A – Association of Parents & Friends of Children and Individuals with Autism in Corinthia
  • Special Youth Detention Center of Corinth
  • Local kickboxing and boxing clubs
  • Racing car crews participating in international races

Support for the Corinthian Market and Local Products

Club Hotel Casino Loutraki selects local suppliers for its needs, collaborating with approximately 300 local businesses. Additionally, it sources products, food, and beverages that are organic, eco-labeled, locally produced, or certified for fair trade production, such as local Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Corinthian Raisin P.D.O., and local Nemea wine from producers registered in local registries.

Care for Stray Animals

Since 2014, the company has been covering the feeding needs of stray animals in the Loutraki area, in collaboration with the animal welfare organization KOPRAP.

Responsible Gaming

Club Hotel Casino Loutraki strictly adheres to the principles of Responsible Gaming, the guidelines, procedures, and directions of the Gaming Supervision and Control Commission, as well as all provisions of the legal, supervisory, and regulatory framework.

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